
Chai Club

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    What does Membership look like at an organization where people belong but there are no Membership dues?

    Now you’re wondering what I’m talking about, so  I’ll tell you:


    Why? Because every Jew is a member at Chabad!
    Don’t believe me? Try walking into any Chabad center and you’ll be welcomed and embraced just like any involved member of the community. No one is ever turned away; no one ever feels less important because of lack of funds, lack of Jewish knowledge or their level of observance.
    When we are asked "how many members do you have?" our answer always is "however many Jews there are in town".


    Thank G-d, each year Chabad continues to grow and so does our budget.
    We pride ourselves in being very careful with our funds, stretching every dollar to the fullest; and No, we do not receive monetary support from Chabad headquarters!


    Support for Chabad’s work comes from voluntary gifts rather than mandatory dues. Our work is supported by dedicated, generous friends in the community who believe in our vision and want to partner in our mission to make Judaism accessible and relevant to all. These caring people join our voluntary structure of philanthropic giving in one of 3 tiers.

    Monthly gifts of $18 - $149
    The Hebrew word Chai means life and has the numerical value of 18. Individuals join The Chai Club by making monthly contributions in increments of Chai = $18, $36, $54, $72, $90, $108, $126, $144. Chose a number you are comfortable with and support and grow our community.

    Annual gifts of $1800 - $4999
    Join the Chai Pillars of our community by making a monthly gift of $150 and up or by giving $1800 or more during the year.

    Annual gifts of $5000 and above
    Partner with us in our communal work by making a philanthropic gift of $5000 or more annually. You may decrease or increase the amount at any time.

    Annual gifts of $10,000 and above
    Become a fundamental part of building our community by making a philanthropic gift of $10,000 or more annually. You may decrease or increase the amount at any time.

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    Chai Founders

    Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon & Joanne Aboff
    Mr. & Mrs. Clifford & Mandy Barfield
    Mr. & Mrs. Keith & Lisa Eichenblatt
    Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey & Faye Greenwald
    Mr. & Mrs. Samuel & Alisa Gucailo
    Dr Izak Kielmovitch
    Mr. Lavi Harel & Allison Niggel

    Mr. & Mrs. David & Harriet Moldau
    Mrs. & Mrs. Lorraine Perez & Gina Mallory
    Mr. & Mrs. Jerry & Susan Roth
    Mr. & Mrs. Avron & Sandra Satill
    Mr. & Mrs. Hal & Janice Simonds
    Rabbi & Mrs. Robert & Lauren Thomas

    Chai Partners

    Mr. Ronnie Bitman
    Mrs. Corinne Brunschwig
    Hon. David Danziger
    Dr. & Mrs. Jay & Susan Gewolb
    Mr. Julius Higgerm
    Mr. & Mrs. Aaron & Ariel Kachler

    Mr. & Mrs. Yanky & Rochel Lipskier
    Dorothy Pehowic
    Ms. Harriet Spano
    Mr. & Mrs. Wanda Stanek & Allen Kent
    Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Tabatabai & Jenn Roth
    Mr. & Mrs. Farzin & Azita Yashar

    Chai Pillars

    Mr. & Mrs. Chemy & Rina Amir
    Mr. Akiva Anderson
    Dr. & Mrs. David & Julie Auerbach
    Dr. Maria Bajayo
    Mr. Michael Baron & Mrs. Elaine Silver
    Mr. & Mrs. Alex & Emi Barth
    Mr. & Mrs. Yoram & Sandy Ben-Hanania
    Mr. Mel Berger & Ruth Darvin
    Mr. David & Miri Brent
    Mr. & Mrs. William & Debra Corso
    Dr. & Mrs. Stephen & Susan Dobkin
    Ms. Jane Edelstein
    Mr. & Mrs. Irwin & Rita Feldman
    Mr. Ken Feldman & Karin Attar
    Dr. & Mrs. Moises & Sharon Fraifeld
    Mr. & Mrs. Arnie & Happy Frank
    Mr. Russel & Lisa Goldberg
    Mr. & Mrs. Hank & Roz Goldmann
    Mr. Andrew Goodman & Mrs. Grace Mazanek-Goodman
    Mrs. Samra Gotlib
    Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey & Lenore Gould
    Mr. Bruce Gould
    Dr. & Mrs. Daniel & Bettina Haim
    Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Betty Hill

    Dr. Ross & Dr. Robin Katzman
    Mr. & Mrs. Philip & Rosanne Karr
     Dr. & Mrs. Alex & Natalya Khromov
    Mr. & Mrs. Jon & Marylou Klein
    Mr. Shlomo Krudo
    Dr. & Mrs. Daniel & Staci Layis
    h Mr. & Mrs. Jerry & Susan Lewin
    Mr. & Mrs. Frederick & Jill Meltzer
    Mr. David Meltzer
    Mr. & Mrs. Jon & Oshrat Molayem
    Mr. Michael Nebel
    Ms. Cynthia Otazu
    Mr. & Mrs. Yosef & Hannah Peregrino
    Mr. & Mrs. Carl & Mrs. Pam Phillips
    Mrs. Leora Poplawsky
    Mr. & Mrs. Matthew & Brandie Reid
    Mr. & Mrs. Brad & Roberta Satill
    Mr. & Mrs. Freddy & Beth-Ann Schulman
    Dr. & Mrs. Marc & Nancy Sharfman
    Dr. Nathalie Shoer
    Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth & Ellen Solomon
    Mr. & Mrs. Meir & Shawna Waizman
    Mr. Rami Yosefian & Mrs. Stephanie Powers
    Dr. Michael Zerivitz & Mrs. Ody Arias-Zerivitz

    Chai Club

    Mr. & Mrs. Gary & Betsy Appelsies
    Mr. Jerome Auerbach
    Mr. David Barroeta
    Ms. Karin Barth
    Mr. & Mrs. Max & Svetlana Belkin
    Mrs. Sharon Berger
    Mr. & Mrs. Ron & Christy Blitz
    Mr. David Bloomberg
    Ms. Elyse Cagan
    Ms. Dorothy Danzy
    Mr. & Mrs. Ken & Joy Davis
    Ms. Yira De Freitas
    Ms. Charlotte Dolins Lozano
    Mr. & Mrs. Robert Drazen & Janeen Stern
    Mr. Matthew Feinberg
    Mr. & Mrs. Alejandro & Linda Feliciano
    Mr. & Mrs. Jason & Dalia Fox
    Mr. & Mrs. Paul & Penney Friedrich
    Dr. & Mrs. Bobby & Joanne Garfinkel
    Dr. & Mrs. Jay & Jill Gold
    Mr. Richard Goldstein & Ms. Abbie Young
    Mr. & Mrs. Albert & Annette Goldwasser
    Dr. & Mrs. Ira & Rita Goodman
    Mr. Mathew Gottfried
    Mrs. Marci Gottfried

    Ms. Marsha Greenhut
    Mr. & Mrs. Steven & Cathy Halpren
    Mr. & Mrs. Moses & Taina Hilario
    Mr. & Mrs. Alan & Janet Hoffberg
    Mrs. Marti Hooker
    Mrs. Charna Iommetti
    Mr. & Mrs. Larry Kanner & Judith Topper
    Dr. & Mrs. David Katz & Yvonne C. Wiederhold
    Mrs. Vicky Klanfer
    Mr. & Mrs. Timothy & Sharon Kocken
    Mr. & Mrs. Eduard & Yelena Kotlyar
    Mr. Ryan Kravetz
    Mr. & Mrs. Adam & Laura Krudo
    Mr. Asaf Krudo
    Mr. & Mrs. Max & Lauren Kusner
    Mr. & Mrs. Yerach & Rivkah Lazarovitz
    Akiva Lazerow
    Mr. & Mrs. Bryan & Francismary Lazerow
    Carol Levine
    Dr. & Mrs. Lester & Gloria Levine
    Maidee Levitch
    Mr. & Mrs. Stuart & Shula Levy
    Mr. & Mrs. Dave & Liz Lieberman
    Rabbi & Mrs. Berel & Chani Majesky
    Mr. & Mrs. Greg & Ruth Marchwinski

    Mr. & Mrs. Murry Meller & Meryl Greene
    Mr. David Meltzer
    Mr. & Mrs. Garey & Michele Merritt
    Rabbi & Mrs. Shneur & Chaya Munitz
    Ms. Diane Overcash
    Mr. & Mrs. Dennis & Hildy Piet
    Mrs. Terri Pinchevsky
    Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Adrienne Raskin
    Mr. & Mrs. Shua & Zeldi Raskin
    Mr. Joel Reuben
    Dr. & Mrs. Richard & Joanne Sag
    Mr. & Mrs. Brad & Roberta Satill
    Ms. Frances Secrest
    Ms. Sonia Semel
    Ms. Keila Servia
    Mr. & Mrs. David & Stephanie Shames
    Mr. & Mrs. Kurt & Amy Sterling
    Mr. & Mrs. Joel & Edna Stern
    Rabbi & Mrs. Boruch & Chaya Susman
    Mr. & Mrs. Wayne & Wendi Tarkenton
    Mr. & Mrs. Isaac & Susan Vacnin
    Mr. & Mrs. Ed & Jackie Weinberg
    Mr. & Mrs. Kent & Janet Wenger
    Mr. & Mrs. Eric & Amy Wolkoff
    Samuel & JoAnn Woociker
    Mr. & Mrs. David & Ariella Zion

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