
Wish List

  • Wish List

    Building Items

    ♦ Planned Giving Plaque Board - $1,800
    ♦ Office Desktop Computer - $1,500
    ♦ BBQ Grill - $1,200 
    ♦ Updated tablecloths for Shul on Shabbos 11 needed  at $70 each (need to purchase all at once) - $770
    ♦ Updated commercial stainless steel large garbage can - $1,000
    ♦ Digital Lobby Bulletin Board $6000 (contact office for details) 

    Religious Items

    ♦ Talleisim (29) - $150 Each
    ♦ Nate's Shul Yarmulkas with Logo - $600 per 100 
    ♦ 20 Kinnos Books - $36 each
    ♦ 20 Selichos Books - $36 each
    ♦ Create a new custom Tzedakah box to be sent to the community  - $1800
    ♦ Tashlich cards $250 
    ♦ Chuppah for Weddings $750 
    ♦ Updated siddur books (40 needed) - $36 dollars each

    JLI Courses

    ♦ Sponsor a JLI course $1800 (3 opportunities annually)
    ♦ Sponsor a JLI class $360 (18 opportunities annually)
    ♦ Naming rights for our local JLI chapter $18,000 annually 


    ♦ Bookshelves $1,200 (4 Needed)
    ♦ Children's books - $36 (115 available)

    Hebrew School Items

    ♦ 2 bulletin boards - $300 each
    ♦ Spiraling Holidays Curriculum - $1,000
    ♦ New flooring throughout the school building - $10,000
    ♦ Five new tables - $350 each
    ♦ 58 new school chairs - $80 each
    ♦ Two shelving units - $500 each
    ♦ Educational artwork & decor - $1,500
    ♦ New lighting - $5,000
    ♦ Rug for Kindergarten class - $600
    ♦ 5 Bean bags - $200 each
    ♦ Moldau Hebrew School Yarmulkas - 100 for $600 
    ♦ Dedicate a classroom - $10,000

    Future Growth

    ♦ $850 eTzedakah Box (allows for credit card donations manually in Shul lobby)
    ♦ Interns - $50,000*

    Events and Programming

    ♦ Outdoor Dreidel Light Up Display - $550
    ♦ JText for Teens: $36/day, $250/month, $3000/year.
    ♦ JText for Adults: $36/day, $250/month, $3000/year.
    ♦TGIS (Friday Night Kiddush) Deco $200
    ♦ TGIS (Friday Night Kiddush) Utensils $200

    Click here for details on the starred items.

    Click Here to see what was already donated. 

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