
Chanshy Birthday Farbrengen

  • Did you know that a birthday is like a personal Rosh Hashana? We spend the day reflecting on our unique mission here on earth and we also share this special day with family and friends.

    Please join me for my Birthday Farbrengen for women. We will also be making our very own terrarium! (Supplies listed below)

    Monday July 6, 2020 at 7 pm

    Join on Zoom or live at Nate's Shul with social distancing (limited space).
    Please RSVP below

    Zoom ID: 871 6141 6532 Password: celebrate

    Far•breng•en (Yiddish) 1. Yiddish for "spending time together" 2. An informal inspirational chassidic gathering where words of Torah are shared and melodies are sung over refreshments and spirits.

    Be sure to have these things with you:

    1. Your favorite kosher wine and a glass to celebrate!

    2. Glass container with or without a cover like this one

    3. Gravel, sea glass or beach/river stones like these

    4. Activated charcoal (found at a nursery or pet supply store) or on amazon

    5. Terrarium plants (succulents) 1-4 (amazon, home depot, florist)

    6. Sterile potting mix. (amazon, home depot, walmart)

    7. Moss for deco (small amount) and other decorative elements like fairy garden accessories (optional)

    In lieu of a gift please consider contributing to Chabad Lubavitch of North Orlando so we can continue to reach out to our fellow Jews in our community with acceptance and love.

    continue below to RSVP

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